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ElastiCAL Film.


Hi, our fresh ElastiCAL Film is now released!


When I captioned our movie on You Tube,

I had a chance to touch this ElastiCAL Film.

How flexible it was!?


Before touching it,

I was just wondering what the word “Elstical” means.

So, I checked web dictionary and found it means “stretched, flexible, and adoptable” Also says, “Materials, which returns to its original size.”

I was like “okay, our film maybe stretchable. That’s good.”


However, after touching the film,

I found it stretches and even sticks to everywhere

although it’s without glue or water.

For example, it sticks to the back side of the office phone, to the empty mug, and to my office desk…

It just fits there!!



When the air bubbles appear, or when there are some wrinkles there,

I just peel off the film, and stick it again. Easy.


And then,

ElastiCAL Film is a little bit nostalgic somehow.

It reminds me of a Rubber made kids toy called Japanese neri-keshi.
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When you pull the both side edge of neri-keshi,

it gets longer by stretching itself.

The feeling of it, it’s more longer than I expected, is kind of

similar to the feeling of our ElastiCAL…


Moreover, the fragrance.

When I open the new ElastiCAL Film,

I can smell a bit of sweet feelings.

It’s the ElastiCAL Film.


If I need the process of sticking to the clay,

I can find the movie on YouTube by searching

“ElastiCAL Film.”

Moreover, I can say that there are much more ways of using ElastiCAL Film other than sticking clays!


Let’s see, no glue on the backside,

so it’s not a sticker,

not a tape,

not a post-it note.


Try the new feeling by ElastiCAL Film.

You will see!


movie(English captioned)