Month: October 2016

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October 31st is a Halloween Day. We, Inspiraid, made a Jack O lantern with industrial clay and tapes this year. Please check these pictures!!! As it is the generic capsule, the price of Zenegra is viagra sales france absolutely inexpensive. Should they feel this way? That’s not cost cialis viagra for me to say. Consumption of sildenafil jelly should be done 15 to 30 cheap cialis brand minutes prior to an intercourse. So, it will help in cialis prices in australia gaining muscles in people suffering stress, anguish, sadness, and other difficult emotions. We build new imaginations and abilities everyday. Don’t hesitate to contact us at Inspiraid Inc. Yasuhiro Kochi

New Product

ElastiCAL Film.   Hi, our fresh ElastiCAL Film is now released!   When I captioned our movie on You Tube, I had a chance to touch this ElastiCAL Film. How flexible it was!?   Before touching it, I was just wondering what the word “Elstical” means. So, I checked web dictionary and found it means “stretched, flexible, and adoptable” Also says, “Materials, which returns to its original size.” I was like “okay, our film maybe stretchable. That’s good.”   However, after touching the film, I found it stretches and even sticks to everywhere although it’s without glue or water. For example, it sticks to the back side of the office