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W6CP 6″x 2″ x 3/4″
152mm x 51mm x 19mm

6″Diamond Whetstone Sharpener with Plastic Box W6CP

Double-Sided. Innovative. Multi-Patented. DuoSharp® Bench Stones are precision flat, two diamond surfaced sharpener guaranteed to provide consistent, even sharpening every time. Employs DMT® interrupted surface technology.
Available in 10-in and 8-in. sizes and offered with the DuoBase™ accessory or non-skid mat, this is the ultimate choice for bench sharpening, with a large, wider diamond surface to sharpen a variety of edges. Available in many different diamond grit combinations.

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X – Extra Coarse. Fix and restore a damaged edge (220 mesh, 60 micron)
C – Coarse. Quickly sharpen a neglected edge (325 mesh, 45 micron)
F – Fine. Put a keen edge on a maintained tool (600 mesh, 25 micron)
E – Extra Fine. Sharpen to a razor edge (1200 mesh, 9 micron)

The 6-in.Diamond Whetstone™ sharpener is one of DMT®’s most popular sharpening choices for home, RV and the shop – satisfying a wide variety of edge care needs.
Includes non skid rubber feet or can be bench mounted. Available in a beautiful hardwood or durable plastic storage case.